12 Pest Generally A Pest Control Company Cater To

When most people hear the terms “pest management” or “pest control,” they envision the eradication of rats, mice, insects, and other vermin. Pest Control Lara is actually concerned with the safety of our health, our food, and the protection of our property. 

Any organism that spreads disease, causes destruction, or is otherwise a nuisance is considered a pest. Vermin is a broad term for pest animal and bird species, particularly those associated with disease transmission.

Pest Control Services
Pest Control Services

12 pest generally a pest control company cater to

  1. Ants – The black garden ant is the most common species of ant. A colony is a highly organised and social insect that will nest and include worker ants attracted to sweet food. Ants can contaminate food and preparation areas.
  2. Bedbugs are small, oval, brownish insects that feed on the blood of humans or animals. Adult bedbugs are about the size of an apple seed, with flat bodies. However, after feeding, their bodies swell and turn a reddish colour.
  3. Cockroaches- Cockroaches will eat almost anything, including food and faeces. They can spread bacteria and usually indicate dirty food preparation areas. Germs can spread from a cockroach’s body or from its droppings.
  4. Fleas are external parasites that feed on the blood of mammals and birds. Fleas include cat/dog fleas, human fleas, and rat fleas. Aside from the problems that the flea causes, they can also act as a vector for disease.
  5. Wasps and bees – Wasp nests are typically constructed in sheltered areas with easy access to the outside. When stung, some people may experience anaphylactic shock and require immediate medical attention.
  6. Flies – Whether blue bottle or fruit flies, these pests transmit a wide range of diseases, including food poisoning and dysentery.
  7. Moths – Rather than adult moths, immature larvae cause damage to natural fibres such as woollen clothing, upholstery, and carpets.
  8. Mice – House mice are active year round, nesting in quiet, warm places like lofts or cavity walls. To get to food, they constantly gnaw, destroying furniture and chewing packaging.
  9. Rats – Infestation symptoms include droppings, smear marks, and teeth marks on electrical cables, which can cause a fire. Rats have also been linked to the spread of diseases such as leptospirosis (Weil’s disease), salmonella, listeria, Toxoplasma gondii, and hantavirus.
  10. Pigeons – Bird mite infestations are uncommon, but they are more likely to occur from late spring to early summer. Mites from abandoned bird nests can find their way into buildings and feed on humans once the bird host is no longer a source of food.
  11. Squirrels- they can be found in both woodland and urban parks and gardens. Squirrels pose the greatest threat by entering roof spaces and chewing woodwork, stripping insulation from wiring and water pipes, and drowning in open water tanks, causing contamination.
  12. Foxes- these can carry toxocariasis, a parasitic roundworm that can be transmitted to humans. Fox faeces may contain bacteria that can cause illness in humans, so faeces should not be handled directly.


These were the effective solutions for eliminating pest allergens from your house. You must not always try dealing with pest by yourself as they could even be harmful to deal with.